Monday, May 30, 2011

Este Pracujeme

this week was a little more rough than the last few have been. sadly, we didn't meet one of the goals we set for our companionship, although that isn't for lack of trying. we worked hard the whole week, but for whatever reason it was just harder this week to find people to teach. we had specialized training this week, which was great, but it did take up a whole day of work. also on friday and saturday it rained horribly, so contacting was a crapshoot. what we did in that situation was we found people who were walking to the train station or something who didn't have an umbrella and we would walk with them so that they had some protection from the rain. everyone was really appreciative, but that kind of work just isn't really conducive to teaching full blown lessons and getting new investigators. on saturdays, there aren't very many people in town. on the weekends, everyone goes to their little domcek (little house) in the mountains. in addition to that it rained all saturday. we called it dokonala burka (perfect storm). pun intended! anyway, it wasn't quite the successful week that we were hoping for, but in spite of that, there is still reason to rejoice. eva, one of our investigators with a baptismal date keeps on progressing. we still don't have her date moved up, but she has still expressed no concerns with any of the docrtrine that we teach. this week when we taught her we were talking about her asking her husband for permission to be baptized. she hadn't done it yet, but we committed her to do so this week. when we were talking about it, she said she doesn't know how he'll feel about it, but she knows what she wants and she wants to be baptized. that was very nice to hear. we are going to try to meet with her twice this week, and we are really going to encourage her to come to church and we are really going to try hard to get something set up with her husband. i think if we just went out to lunch with him so we can show him we are normal people that would go a long way. anyway, even though things didn't go as we had planned them, there were still a lot of miracles this week, just like there are every week. i mean, an investigator with pretty much no previous religious history accepting the law of chastity right off the bat is pretty miraculous i think. just when you start to get a little discouraged the Lord blesses you in some way that just makes your day so much better. for example, yesterday elder durrant and i were sitting on the bench in the namestie. we had just called in our weekly numbers, which we thought were very disappointing. we were sitting on the bench wondering what went wrong this week when all of a sudden this guy comes up to us and offers to buy us a kofola (a czechoslovak brand of cola, which, i might add, is way better than coke and pepsi combined). we sat down and had a kofola with him and asked him why he wanted to have a kofola with mormons. he said, i just needed to do something nice. i know you guys are just here trying to help people, and trying to help them improve their lives, and i know how hard it must be to be away from your family and your friends for two years. it's so great that a guy who doesn't even know us was willing to do something like that. we talked a little more and get this....the guy works at the local theater in town as a stage manager, but in his free time he is a musician. he plays (wait for it).........THE TUBA!! what?! i said. "i freakin' played that in high school!" turns out they are doing a concert this week on the town sqare for some fetival going on. maybe i can turn a chat about the joys of playing the tuba into a conversation about the gospel. uvidime ( we will see).
love you all!


ps. go mavs!

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